Samsung Electronics, 2016 ~ Present
Instructor & Mentor for Associate Architect Certification Program
- Offered 5 Program Sessions per Year and each session lasts 2 months.
- # of Trainees per Year: over 350, Senior and Primary Researchers of Samsung
- Taught Software Architecture Design Methodology including ISO 9126 Quality Model, Architectural Requirement Engineering, Architecture Styles, Architectural Viewpoints, Design for Quality Requirements, and Architecture Validation
- Mentored Trainees for their Certification Projects, 7 Weeks long per Session
- # of Trainees Mentored per Year: 300 ±
- # of Hours spent for Mentoring per Year: 400 Hours ±
- Each trainee should submit a 70± page-long architecture description for a target system.
Samsung Display Corporation, 2021 ~ 2022
Instructor & Mentor for Architect Certification Program
Primary Investigator for ‘Software Architect Certification’ Planning Project
- Each trainee designed & implemented a plant control system for Smartphone/TV screens production system utilizing Architecture Engineering and Machine Learning.
- Taught Design for Non-Functional Requirement, Platform Software Architecture
- Mentored Trainees for their Certification Projects, 6 Months long
Samsung Electronics, 2011 ~ 2019
Instructor for Software Expert, Device Solution (Semiconductor) Division
- Taught Object-Oriented Design, Design Patterns, and Software Architecture
Samsung Electronics, 2006 ~ 2015
Instructor for Architect Certification Program
- Taught Object-Oriented Design, Design Patterns, and Software Architecture
Hyundai Motor Company, 2003 ~ 2006
Instructor for Automotive Software Division
- Taught Software Design and Software Testing
Others, 1997 ~ 2020
Instructor for other Governmental Organizations and Industry
- Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy, Korean Air Force, KB Bank, LG-CNS, Korea Telecom, Samsung Data System and others